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Out Exercising A Bad Diet Is An Uphill Battle

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “You can’t outwork a bad diet.”…

To be honest with you, this isn’t 100% true.

Depending on your metabolism, genetics, age and activity level, you actually can outwork a bad diet…

But it’s an uphill battle!

When it comes to attaining success, in any arena, your best bet is to follow the path of least
resistance. Doesn’t that make more sense than purposefully making things more difficult for yourself?

If you’re currently working out and still binging on junk food you KNOW are not serving your goals, your chances of being successful drop by 90%. How does that sound?

Here is how to never sabotage yourself with bad foods again:

“Plan, schedule and prepare for sticking to your nutrition program first, before you plan anything else. First add your healthy meals and workout time into your schedule, then comes everything else!”

That means put your meals into your schedule so you know when you’re next meal is coming. Prepare all of your healthy meals on Sunday and package them in containers to save you time and thinking.

And if you have a meeting or have to eat out, decide what you’re going to order before you arrive.

If you need help creating a customized meal plan to help you reach your goals, send us a message.