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How Many Calories Do I Need? Seattle’s #1 Weight Loss Expert Answers

❓❓❓How Many Calories Do I need to lose weight? How many calories do I need to maintain my weight?

🥇Seattle’s #1 weight loss expert Ian Weinberg ( has a SIMPLE down and dirty way to calculate calorie intake for ANYONE!👍💪


so today I want to share with you a
simple down and dirty way that you can

figure out how many calories you should
be eating to either lose weight to

maintain your weight or to gain weight
so if you’re in one of those three

things and guess what you’ve got to be
then this is gonna be for you and it’s

super simple okay the first thing you
need to do is figure out how much do you

want to weigh not what is an ideal
weight not how much does your friend

weigh not how much did you weigh when
you got married or when you were in

college or high school but how much do
you want to weigh right now so let’s

just make this super simple and say
pretending that you wanted away 150

pounds okay do you want to weigh 150
pounds now maybe that’s 5 pounds away

from where you’re at
maybe it’s 50 pounds away from where

you’re at doesn’t matter
this is what your goal weight is in this

scenario to help you determine how many
calories you want to be at to maintain

your goal weight okay so if you want to
be 150 pounds what you’re gonna do is

you’re gonna multiply that by 12 okay
and you’re going to come out with 1800

calories per day so what that means is
right now let’s say you’re at 200 pounds

it would be very hard for you to just
all of a sudden cold turkey go to 1800

calories a day you would be very very
hungry and you’d probably be unhappy and

it would feel unsustainable so let’s not
do that so what that means is you can

split the difference right break it down
into increments so if right now if

you’re 200 pounds you want to get to 150
figure out how many calories should you

be at if you wanted to maintain 175
pounds and so we would get that from 175

times 12 and that would give us how many
calories to maintain that so that is the

simple down and dirty way to figure out
how many calories you should be at to

maintain your goal weight
take your goal weight multiply it by 12 and

it’s gonna give you that overall number
to maintain now how do you maintain that

number that’s a whole other video its
calories in versus calories out from

your metabolism and of course exercise
but this is a simple way to start to

figure out what is going to be the
calorie range you want to be at to

maintain your weight thanks so much see
you later