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Everything You Want Is On The Other Side Of Fear

In order to have the life, career, relationship and body you desire, you’re going to have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

It’s a law of the universe that the more you stretch to grow and expand, the more resistance you’re going to encounter pushing back against you. Like a plant trying to push through the earth to become an oak tree.

And the fear of having to do the things we don’t want to do, like getting up earlier in the morning, getting out of a bad relationship, changing careers, being sore from your workout – is what keeps us from achieving greater things.

I’m going to be honest with you right now and tell you that when you start working out, you’re going to be sore and in pain… but only at first.

And when you change your eating habits for healthier options, you’re going to be left feeling hungry and craving junk food… but only at the beginning until your body adjusts.

And when you start drinking the right amount of water to stay hydrated, you may hate the taste and have to pee every 15 minutes… but only for the first few days.

The biggest challenges are at the beginning and if you push through, you’ll be rewarded with the results on the other side!